Recipe: English Muffin Tuna Melt


This is another recipe that is super delicious and very simple to make. In addition to that, this is a pretty healthy lunch option for someone on the go. One little can of tuna has 20 g of protein for only 90 calories (that’s a winner in my book). I also love tuna because I absolutely hate cooking meat, and it comes in the can ready to go! I like to use an English muffin because I stack a lot of tuna on top and I feel like it gives the melt a good base. Also, I do it open-faced because it allows you to use more tuna in the tuna to bread ratio.


– 1 can tuna

– English muffin (I like to use whole wheat, but you can use whatever you like, or even a slice of whatever bread you have around)

– cheese slices (I used Munster this time, but I’ll probably experiment in the future)


1. Turn on the broiler or toaster oven

2. Cut the English Muffin if it isn’t pre-sliced

3. Stack each half of the English muffin with tuna, I usually put half the can on each slice


4. Put slice of cheese on each half


5. Bake in broiler for a few minutes, about 5-10 minutes (I don’t time it, I just look for when the cheese is melted)



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